Archive for the Police State Category

US High in Gun Ownership, Low in Murder Rate

Posted in Police State with tags , , , , , , , , , on February 10, 2013 by End The Illuminati Conspiracy

US High in Gun Ownership, Low in Murder Rate

Several reports on gun ownership around the world clearly refute the assertion that the abundance of guns in the United States leads to a high rate of firearm homicides.
Americans are the biggest gun owners by far, with an estimated 270 million civilian firearms, in addition to those used by law enforcement and the military. That’s according to the Small Arms Survey of 178 nations conducted by the Switzerland-based Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.
In sheer numbers of civilian firearms, the No. 2 nation, surprisingly, is India with 46 million, followed by China (40 million), Germany (25 million), Pakistan (18 million), and Mexico (15 million).
The United States also leads in gun ownership rate, with about 88 firearms per 100 people, according to the most recent Small Arms Survey compiled in 2007.
That is far ahead of No. 2 Yemen, which has 55 firearms per 100 people. Switzerland is third with 46 per 100 people, followed by Finland (45), Serbia (38), Cyprus (36), Saudi Arabia (35), and Iraq (34).
But when it comes to the firearm homicide rate, the United States doesn’t even make the top 25.
According to figures collected by the United Nations’ Office on Drugs and Crime through its annual crime survey, 9,146 Americans were victims of a firearm homicide in the most recent year. That translates to a rate of 2.97 firearm homicides per 100,000 population, only the 27th highest rate in the world.
The highest rate by far can be found in Honduras, 68 homicides per 100,000, followed by El Salvador (40), Jamaica (39), Venezuela (38.9), Guatemala (34), and Colombia (27).
For America’s neighbors, the rate in Mexico is 9.9 per 100,000, and in Canada, 0.5 per 100,000.
It is interesting to note that not only does the United States have a relatively low homicide rate compared to its gun ownership rate, but Switzerland, which ranks third in the civilian gun ownership rate, has only the 46th highest homicide rate, and Finland, with the fourth highest ownership rate, is 63rd on the list.
“The most obnoxious liberal talking points on guns involve the idea that guns, in and of themselves, cause gun violence,” writes CNS News commentator Stephen Gutowski. “In other words, more guns must mean more gun violence.”
But in light of the ownership and homicide figures, he observes: “More guns do not, in fact, mean more gun violence. Guns can be, and commonly are, used in a responsible manner, especially here in the United States.”

US High in Gun Ownership, Low in Murder Rate

Suzanna Gratia Hupp explains meaning of 2nd Amendment

Posted in Police State with tags , , , , , , , on January 12, 2013 by End The Illuminati Conspiracy

Suzanna Gratia Hupp explains meaning of 2nd Amendment

Suzanna Gratia Hupp explains meaning of 2nd Amendment

Shameless Obama Caught Fake Crying Over False Flag Connecticut School Shooting

Posted in Police State with tags , , , , , , , , on December 15, 2012 by End The Illuminati Conspiracy

Shameless Obama Caught Fake Crying Over False Flag Connecticut School Shooting

Obama brushes away a tear, reminding us that he is not only a mass murderer in war but someone who would use another false flag tragedy to advance his masters’ totalitarian political agenda.

Can They Get Any Lower?

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

The aftermath of the Newtown school massacre is beginning to resemble the 9-11 false flag.

The local police dispatch tape carries a report that a teacher saw two shooters running away from the scene. (3.25)

According to George Freund, “First officers in the school report the patsy dead. He may very well have been killed by the two fleeing men who were probably the whack team.

Police also report finding a shotgun. How do you carry a rifle, a shotgun, two pistols, and all sorts of ammo with two hands and kill so many people. You are obviously NOT alone.”

The presence of other shooters may explain why the killer, Adam Lanza, 20, was wearing a mask, flack jacket and military fatigues. This is so he couldn’t be distinguished from the other shooters. If he had intended to kill himself, he wouldn’t have needed a disguise.

As with 9-11, when Osama Bin Ladin was blamed immediately, the culprit this time was guns. A chorus of calls for gun control went up from Barack Obama and his Illuminati Jewish handlers like Mayor Bloomberg of NY.
Illuminati Jewish mouthpieces like Huffpost are going ballistic.


Shameless Obama Caught Fake Crying Over False Flag Connecticut School Shooting

Cops Ready for War

Posted in Illuminati News, Police State with tags , , , , , , , , , on December 21, 2011 by End The Illuminati Conspiracy

Cops Ready for War

Like Fargo, thousands of other local police departments nationwide have been amassing stockpiles of military-style equipment in the name of homeland security, aided by more than $34 billion in federal grants since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, a Daily Beast investigation conducted by the Center for Investigative Reporting has found.

Interactive Map: States Spend Billions on Homeland Security

The buying spree has transformed local police departments into small, army-like forces, and put intimidating equipment into the hands of civilian officers. And that is raising questions about whether the strategy has gone too far, creating a culture and capability that jeopardizes public safety and civil rights while creating an expensive false sense of security.


Cops Ready For War

Another Chicago, Illinois Citizen Charged For Recording Police

Posted in Police State with tags , , , , , , , , on January 25, 2011 by End The Illuminati Conspiracy

Another Chicago, Illinois Citizen Charged For Recording Police
The New York Times reports on the Illinois eavesdropping law, which allows for a felony charge and up to 15 years of prison for people who record police officers on the job. In addition to artist Christopher Drew—whom I’ve written about before and who goes to trial in April—the article finds another person currently being charged under the law. Tiawanda Moore, 20, goes to trial next month. She too could face 15 years in prison, in her case for using her Blackberry to record her conversation with internal affairs officers at Chicago PD about an alleged sexual assault by a police officer. Moore recorded her interview after feeling her initial attempt to report the incident wasn’t taken seriously.

On Aug. 18, Ms. Moore and her boyfriend went to Police Headquarters to file a complaint with Internal Affairs about the officer who had talked to her alone. Ms. Moore said the officer had fondled her and left his personal telephone number, which she handed over to the investigators.

Ms. Moore said the investigators tried to talk her out of filing a complaint, saying the officer had a good record and that they could “guarantee” that he would not bother her again.

“They keep giving her the run-around, basically trying to discourage her from making a report,” Mr. Johnson said. “Finally, she decides to record them on her cellphone to show how they’re not helping her.”

The investigators discovered that she was recording them and she was arrested and charged with two counts of eavesdropping, Mr. Johnson said. But he added that the law contains a crucial exception. If citizens have “reasonable suspicion” that a crime is about to be committed against them, they may obtain evidence by recording it.

“I contend that the Internal Affairs investigators were committing the crime of official misconduct in preventing her from filing a complaint,” Mr. Johnson said. “She’s young. She had no idea what she was getting into when she went in there to make a simple complaint. It’s just a shame when the people watching the cops aren’t up to it.”

Days later, accompanied by Mr. Johnson, Ms. Moore returned to Internal Affairs and was able to file a full complaint. There is a continuing investigation of Ms. Moore’s charges against the officer, a Police Department spokesman said.

So five months later, they’re still investigating a possible sexual assault by a police officer. But they had no problem immediately arresting, charging, and jailing the woman who tried to report it. That would seem to send a pretty clear message about how seriously the city takes police misconduct.

There was another story in the news this week involving Chicago police. Former Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison for lying under oath. Burge was part of a Chicago police culture that tortured suspects in police custody for more than a decade. Burge and other officers who participated in the torture couldn’t be prosecuted for federal criminal civil rights violations because the statute of limitations has expired. The federal judge who sentenced Burge specifically criticized local officials for allowing the torture to continue long past the time they should have known about it, including Mayor Richard Daly for ignoring the problem during his time as a state’s attorney.

You’d think current Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez might take the time to learn something from history. There are still plenty of problems at Chicago PD that her office could be investigating. Instead, she wastes taxpayer resources prosecuting citizens for trying to protect themselves from cops, or for trying to hold cops accountable. Or, for that matter, trying to keep prosecutors accountable. Alvarez is also the one who has been harassing the journalism students at Northwestern University’s Innocence Project.


Another Chicago, Illinois Citizen Charged For Recording Police

The War Of Us vs. Them Escalates – Police Confiscate Truthers Baby

Posted in Movies and Videos, Police State with tags , , , , on October 8, 2010 by End The Illuminati Conspiracy

The War Of Us vs. Them Escalates – Police Confiscate Truthers Baby

The War Of Us vs. Them Escalates – Police Confiscate Truthers Baby